
Enfo’s Solution Manager is Technopolis' trusted player in end-user services
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Technopolis is an expert in work environments, offering its customers efficient offices and related services in several countries. The company wanted to improve the management of IT end-user services and operate in a more agile way. Enfo’s Solution Management service met these needs and exceeded the expectations.
Enfo produces a big part of Technopolis' end-user services. When Technopolis was renewing its operating model, it wanted to include an experienced expert from Enfo in its expanded IT organization. They hoped for a person who would look at end-user solutions with a Technopolis hat on and manage this plot independently – both Enfo's deliveries and with other parties in the multi-supplier environment.
”Enfo’s Solution Management service helps us guide our operations and, at the same time, deepens Enfo's understanding of us. Flexibility is the biggest thing: challenges can be escalated more nimbly, and the right experts and solutions are found quickly", says Risto Kivisilta, CTO at Technopolis.
Taking charge of wide scale of responsibilities
The expectations for the new Solution Manager were high from the beginning, as the tasks were known to be extensive. Technopolis chose Enfo's senior specialist Tuomas Hänninen for the role.
"Ultimately, this is about finding a suitable person for our environment. Tuomas is flexible and determined, and he is able to help with hands-on needs as well as to drive things forward in the long term. He has totally found his role representing us, and knows how to look at Technopolis' benefit", praises Kivisilta.
Hänninen solves issues related to Technopolis' end-user services. He has Enfo's team and all the experts to lean on.
"The service includes both small-scale projects and development perspective. For users, I am an agile link towards Enfo: I know the right people, who find solutions quickly. Enfo's experts can get on top of things more swiftly, for example when one person's problem turns out to have wider effects", Hänninen describes.
Reaching the goal with customer in mind
The new service model has strengthened Technopolis’ visibility to Enfo's services, and prioritizing needs has become even easier.
"The Solution Manager takes matters into his hands quickly and comprehensively, moves them forward efficiently and takes them over the finish line in a very customer-oriented manner. The level of service for end-users has also improved", Kivisilta says.
The fact that Enfo now has a better window to Technopolis' operations also facilitates the cooperation, as the understanding of the customer's needs grows stronger.
"We can see the objectives of Technopolis' core business and the important applications that bring them results. We can compare business needs with new opportunities and best practices, and thus support the development of services. The role is really interesting for me too: I have worked at the service provider for 17-18 years, and now I see the services from a different perspective", says Hänninen.
All parties are satisfied
The service model provided Technopolis with a strong professional who already knew the company's situation, product range and operating environment. The Solution Manager has been well received and given a lot of responsibility at Technopolis. At the same time, the workload of the own team has eased. As an example, Kivisilta highlights the implementation of Windows 11: without the new service model, it would have required significantly more resources from own staff.
"We have been working together with this model for over a year now, and we have accomplished a lot. All parties are satisfied: the experts, us and our end users", Kivisilta sums up.